
2017年2月20日に右側の人工股関節置換術をし、2012年から始めたランニングが続けられるのか? の記録です。






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(以下 AAOS: 米国整形外科学会サイトからお借りしました)

Advanced Exercises and Activities

The pain from your hip problems before your surgery and the pain and swelling after surgery have weakened your hip muscles. A full recovery will take many months. The following exercises and activities will help your hip muscles recover fully.

These exercises should be done in 10 repetitions, 4 times a day. Place one end of the tubing around the ankle of your operated leg and attach the opposite end of the tubing to a stationary object such as a locked door or heavy furniture. Hold on to a chair or bar for balance.

Elastic Tube Exercises(ゴムを使ったエクササイズ それぞれ10レペティション × 4回 /日)

Resistive Hip Flexion

Stand with your feet slightly apart. Bring your operated leg forward keeping the knee straight. Allow your leg to return to its previous position.

Illustration of resistive hip flexion

 Resistive hip flexion

Resistive Hip Abduction

Stand sideways from the door to which the tubing is attached and extend your operated leg out to the side. Allow your leg to return to its previous position.

Illustration of resistive hip abduction

Resistive hip abduction

Resistive Hip Extensions

Face the door to which the tubing is attached and pull your leg straight back. Allow your leg to return to its previous position.

Illustration of resistive hip extensions

Resistive hip extensions

Exercycling 室内バイク

(10〜15分 x 2回 /日 から始めて、20〜30分 3〜4回/週 に徐々に増やす。4〜6週間後頃の、より強くなった頃から少しずつペダルの強度を上げて行く。)

Exercycling is an excellent activity to help you regain muscle strength and hip mobility.

At first, adjust the seat height so that the bottom of your foot just touches the pedal with your knee almost straight. Pedal backwards at first. Ride forward only after a comfortable cycling motion is possible backwards.

As you become stronger (at about 4 to 6 weeks) slowly increase the tension on the exercycle. Exercycle for 10 to 15 minutes twice a day, gradually building up to 20 to 30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week.


(5〜10分/回、3〜4回/日から始め、強さと持久力がついてきたら20〜30分/回を2〜3回/日 に増し、その後回数を3〜4回に増やす)

Walk with a cane until you have regained your balance skills. In the beginning, walk for 5 or 10 minutes, 3 or 4 times a day. As your strength and endurance improve, you can walk for 20 to 30 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day. Once you have fully recovered, regular walks of 20 to 30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week, will help maintain your strength.


※ 基本的に担当医にご相談された方が良いと思いますけど、上記の内容に不明な点のあるかたは遠慮なくコメントへどうぞ




